Sunday, March 20, 2011

El Deuterino

I have been working a lot the past several days and I'm exhausted. I have been reading my bible and working on the Deut.
There's something about's the name. I just can't get over it. Everytime I hear it or try to say it or try to abbreviate it I think of the Big Lebowski. Absolutely horrible I know but I can't help it.
Here's the link to the part I think of specifically.

Anyway. I've had a very hectic several days of work and so what I have read of El Deuterino I haven't mentally digested and I fear I will be re-reading it very soon.

I'm sorry for the scattered postings but I am still reading maybe slightly behind the set schedule but I'm not worried about it. I know I will catch up when I get to a really compelling part. That's the way it goes. Some days I read a lot and really focus well and don't want to stop but then there are other days when I am so tired I don't want to pick up my head let alone my bible. That's when I wish I had an audio version...then I could lay in bed and listen to the deut-ness.
Well happy reading to you and I'd love to know what you think of Deuteronomy.

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