Saturday, March 26, 2011

A surprising gift.

When I arrived to work today I had a gift in my box. It was a book written by the bible scholar I had mentioned before. He wrote that it was for me. He is related to one of my co-workers and they said he told them to give the book to "The religious girl named Kelly." They had no idea who that was but since he is a slightly stubborn man of 92 they took the book and said ok. They were baffled at who the religious Kelly was. They asked me about it and I told them I met him and honestly I find it comical that he thinks of me as "the religious Kelly" I wouldn't consider myself that. I guess because right now I am still at the stage of reading and trying to understand the bible. I haven't had that "ah-ha" or overwhelming feeling of sudden faith. I still find people's faith intersting. I'm now into Joshua and the overthrowing of cities and it's interesting the wording used.

Joshua 1:18 "Whoever rebels against your word and does not obey it, whatever you may command them, will be put to death. Only be strong and courageous!”

It seems to me that if one is of a different religion and heard these words they would think they were extremists. The actions that were taken were very harsh and extreme. The taking over of land in the name of the Lord is now considered terrorist activity.
I know that this is different and times were different then and they were acting directly on God's wishes it is just interesting how now people seem to misuse "acting on God's wishes" as an excuse for judgemental and extremist behavior.

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