Friday, March 18, 2011

Entering the Deut.

I'm now into Deuteronomy. That word is daunting to me. I'm not sure why. I have no idea what to expect of this book. I've never read any of it.

I recently purchase a little flip chart type insertion for my bible. It's called the Bible Overview by Rose Publishings. It has neat little tidbits and overviews for each book of the bible. This is important and handy for someone like me who much of this is new and somewhat foreign. It is hard to keep everyone and everything straight.

Here is what is says about Deut.
Book - Deuteronomy
Who is the author - Moses
What is they type of writings - Sermons by Moses
Where was it written - Plains of Moab
When was it written - c. 1401bc - 1400bc
Why was it written - To remind the people what God expects from them
Outline -
- Sermon 1: Journey Review (1-4)
- Sermon 2: Laws (5-28)
- Sermon 3: Covenant (29-30)
- Final Farewells (31-34)
Key Verse
Hear, O Isreal:The Lord our God, The Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your strength. Deut.6:4,5

I have mentioned before that I have book addictions. When I see my mom and sisters I understand that I come by it honestly. We are all the same. We all have tons of books and many of which we have and enjoy for their beauty as well as their content. I have decided that one day when I win the lottery my home will feature a beautiful library.

In surfing for a picture for the bible overview I have a stumbled onto another book to add to my amazon wish list. Rose publishers have some really interesting books and this is one of them.
I'm thinking I could get away with purchasing this book because it technically isn't a bible. (Which my husband has nicely banned me from buying any more of.)

On a side note also related to bibles...The past weekend when spending time with my husbands family I was reminded by his aunt that she had given us a bible for our wedding present. I had an immediate sinking feeling as I didn't know where it was. I must painfully admit that at the time of our wedding I had no interest in the bible, nor had I ever before. So, honestly and selfishly I did not treasure the gift as I should have. During that weekend my mind began to race. Surely, I would still have the bible somewhere in my house. Was it on my bookshelves and I didn't realize it? Was it in a box with other wedding gifts? The location and mental searching continued the entire weekend. I must admit the mental searching and immediate guilt was thought consuming. When I got home I told my husband about the bible and that we absolutely had to find it. I had my search mentally narrowed to 2 different locations and began immediately. It was within minutes that I found the bible. Sigh of relief! I immediately floated upstairs to my husband and showed him the bible. Sent a message to his aunt that I found it. It now resides on my bedside table as it should. Here's a picture of it. I am thinking along with my library in my fantasy house I will also have a bookshelf next to my bed as I keep alot of special books there. Is it normal for people to keep their favorite or more treasured books next to their bed?

I've got to get back to Deuteronomy and I must say that since I have read that Moses will not be able to go to the promise land but can only see it from a mountain top I feel bad for him. He did God's work, put up with those whining Isrealites for over 40 years and wasn't able to even enjoy the promise land for one day.

1 comment:

  1. I have the Rose Publishing Book of Bible Charts, Maps and Timelines and from what I can tell from reading your blog, I really think you'd like it. I use it so often as a reference. My husband has one with a pull-out chart that we're going to frame. It's got all the generations in the Old Testament (that really long lineage you have to read) in this nice little timeline format. And it shows how long each person lived compared to the next one. Really cool. I recommend it.
