Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Leviticus - offerings, clean and unclean and skin issues

Wow. Leviticus is weird right now. Lots of detail about offerings and how exactly it should be done. I hope this was written somewhere because it is so detailed I'm not sure how anyone got it done correctly.
It also goes into clean versus unclean animals and people. Also, lots of rules. I am pretty sure most everyone would be unclean for most of their lives and were offering up a lot of sacrificial animals. Maybe this was gods way to decrease some of the animal populations.
Then it goes into skin issues nearly as much as my education as a nurse. It was rather odd the different rules and if you were infectious or not.

I'm still plugging along. Frankly, there's not as much to write about in these parts and I have a new puppy who does not like to share my attention.


  1. I'm really interested in how your background as a nurse affects the way you read those chapters of Leviticus. Any thoughts?

  2. well maybe I'll post a little more in the future about that. It probably affects me more than I realize. I'm an ER Nurse and Paramedic so I'm slightly warped! :)
