Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pondering the Ten Commandments

I've been pondering the Ten Commandments. I have never opened a Bible and read the Ten Commandments. Well two days ago I did and guess what...It was cool.
Exodus 20

I starting thinking about these commandments and here's where I'm at...I'd love to hear what you think.

The first other gods before me. Easy enough.
# 3 You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. This is what I've been thinking about...If people really want to obey this commandment and teach their children not to use the Lords name in vain then it is not ok to say Gosh, Goodness or any other form in the same context as one would use the word God. So for example Oh My Gosh...well in my opinion you are insinuating the use of the word God so saying Gosh does not excuse the fact that you really want to and really mean to use God. It is the same way I feel about kids saying "fricking" it really means the other word and it is not acceptable to use this word either. To replace one word for the bad word doesn't make the intent not present. The intent for the original word is still there and isn't that the bad part?
I had a wonderful discussion with a co-worker about this commandment and my above listed thoughts. She lead a church group about this commandment and she saw the commandment as follows: We follow Christ as Christians which means "follower of Christ" if this is the case then we should represent Christ at all times. Therefore, not using his name or his actions in vain as being Christian. So treating others kindly, acting as Christ would as best as you can and leading a Christian life are all ways not to use the Lords name or Christ's name in vain.
I never thought of it this way but when she explained it I thought it was beautiful! Thanks Ali!!

# 4 Remember the Sabbath Day - I don't have a chance at this one...I work as a nurse so I work random days of the week and a lot of weekends. So, I need to think about the meaning behind this Commandment. Did he mean that he wanted us to always set aside one day of the week for reflection and devotion?

#5 - Honor your mother and father. I love this one. It shows the value of respect, honor and love to your parents. Loving your parents and loving your God.

#6 - Don't kill people....ok got it!

#7 - Do not commit adultry. No problem. I can't stand it. I have always felt that if someone will cheat on their spouse who is supposedly their true love then what would they do to their friends. Your spouse is supposed to be the person closest to you that you would do anything for aside from your children so cheating and hurting them seems to be so horrible. I often find that those who have committed adultry I have a hard time trusting because they do not even value the sanctity of marriage.

#8 - Do not steal. Easy enough

#9 - No false testimony against your neighbor. - ok got it don't tell lies about the neighbor. is this the no lying commandment? Does that exist or am I confused with the golden rules? Wait....what are the golden rules? Where did those come from? Uh oh....Google here I come!

# 10 - Don't covet thy neighbors stuff. So basically don't be jealous and wishful. Be happy for those with things you do not have. Hmmmm I think this is hard. America is all about keeeping up with the Jones' and that seems like a lot of coveting.

1 comment:

  1. The sabbath - I work Sundays too, so I need to think how it applies to me. think there's a principle of taking one day off in 7 that's really important. It keeps us fresh and healthy, and we work harder in the long run.
    I guess you work shifts, so I wonder how it feels to you?
