Saturday, February 26, 2011

slight rant

It could be that I've been sick for 3 days and confined to my house and more specifically my bed and bathroom that is contributing to this post. If so, I'm sorry. (It is well known that I am far the likes of Job)
Here we go anyway.

What annoys me.....I was surfing around on the internet and looking for an online bible study group. (yes, a bible study group) anyway...what did I find. A bunch of crap. Annoying pictures of people in rivers being "saved" bright pink and blue flashing letters on the screen of "are you ready to commit to god" Oh come on....seriously. This is exactly what I despise about Religious fanatics and their access to the internet. The fact that they think I need flashing letters and rivers and some gray haired man telling me about washing away all my sins. (nothing against gray haired men but I swear it's always the same man in the river or putting his hand on people's foreheads healing them)

I know I will hit a chord on some of this but I never said my blog would be politicially or religiously correct.

But seriously don't treat me like a distractable 5 year old constantly looking for the next shiny object. PS...don't try to save me or cure me from some ailment either. Come On... You are not God. You are some cheeseball wanting to make some money by charging an arm and a leg to join your cheesy site where you will spam my email to death with crap about being saved and being the next winner of seven billion euros too. Ugh.

Why isn't there a decent/normal people bible study group for newbies that don't want to commit to some wacko fundamentalist church group with members that want to put the notch in their belt for recruiting this person or that person.
I just want to go online in the privacy of my house in my time and say, "hey what did you think about this verse or that." or have someone say "hey I always thought this verse meant this but maybe it doesn't?"

ok...that's my rant for the day. I'm done and going back to reading my bible all alone and posting to my blog and avoiding the internet for biblical study groups.


  1. I share your frustration! When I had extended time off work last year I went looking for Christian fellowship on the web. Most of what I found had been populated by the lunatic fringe. What was left were small communities, usually with fairly strict rules to keep the idiots out.
    It's a shame that we need to create a walled garden in order to have a sensible conversation online, but went it comes to religion, that's the way it seems to be.

  2. I agree Nick. I wish there was a place for us normal people to have nice conversations and discuss our thoughts on the bible.
    Maybe someday!
