Sunday, February 13, 2011

This weeks reading and impending doom

This week we finish up Exodus and move into Numbers and Leviticus. I feel the impending doom coming - Leviticus. Not because I know anything about Leviticus. To be honest I had never heard of it until I starting sharing with others my plan to read the bible. Then there became this knowledge of Leviticus. It seems it is full of controversial rules that may turn me off of the bible. We shall see!!! What is helping along this is the book The Year of Living Biblically by AJ Jacobs. I think that will help. He is following all of the rules of the bible for one year while living in New York. Its a great book with a lot of humor. He has talked some of the rules in Leviticus. Hopefully that will make it more interesting. I am also reading some from Numbers this week. Not sure what is in Numbers or how it got its' name. Seems kind of odd to me. Numbers...hmmmm Maybe my adventure this week I will to look up the books of the bible and how they got their names. I just looked and wow. There is a lot of books to the bible...over 60! Happy Reading to you this week!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I've got 2 weeks to go of laws, and that really will be enough!!
    Hope you find some nuggets of gold amongst the legalistic stuff.
