Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Completed Genesis

Today I have completed Genesis. A small accomplishment but it is important especially when taking on a large commitment to celebrate the small achievements! I have really enjoyed Genesis for the most part. It was at times confusing but also at times rewarding and it taught me lots of the stories that I had never heard. It has allowed me to reflect and understand the bible. I strongly believe my path of reading chronologically is the right path for me. This has allowed me to connect to both my parents, my co-workers and my husbands family in a way never before. It is interesting to me to share time and conversation with those that have a stronger faith, better understanding and different view of the bible than I do. I just hope they continue to understand along with my readers here that this is my first time reading the bible and while my interpretations and feelings about it may be different than yours we all have one thing in common....the reading of the book.
In the closing of Genesis Joseph reveals himself to his brothers after they come to Egypt to get food during the famine. He relocates his father and brothers to Egypt where he holds high authority. His father dies and is embalmed, in Egyptian custom, and then buried in the cave in the field of Ephron the Hittite. This is the same burial location as Abraham, Sarah Isaac and Rebekah and Leah. Rachel as we recall was buried along the way to Ephrath.
Joseph then dies at the age of 110 years. I was a bit surprised because I thought this was the joseph...like Mary and Joseph....Well I guess that would be really pre-mature especially since the birth of Jesus will not come along for several more months. I hope those that are reading along are enjoying it. Again, I use www.oneyearbibleonline.com to send me my daily reading assignments and I can read them online and use whatever version I would like. I am also enjoying referencing the Chronological Study Bible.


  1. I saw you started to follow my blog and I wanted to thank you for that, then I saw you have 3 blogs and was not sure which one I should comment on so I picked this one as it had the most current blog on it. The Joseph of Genesis is not the same Joseph of Mary and Joseph. Different person all together. It looked liked you thought they were the same person because you mentioned that Jesus's birth is a fer months ways. Infact the birth of Jesus is several hundred years away. Joseph was a common name back then. Have a great day and I'm so glad you are reading the word for yourself. I will be following this blog to see how your journey continues.

  2. Thank You LynnMarie. I realized when Joseph died that this was going to be a different Joseph. I should probably look for a geneaology tree to see how this all turns out. It's sometimes challenging when this is all brand new. I have never read the bible so I'm learning a lot everyday! Thanks for following!
