Sunday, January 9, 2011

thinking more about sacrificing children

OK this post isn't about the reading for today. I'll do that later today. I've been thinking about the sacrificing of children and the sending children away if they weren't from the original spouse. So then I started thinking about how this applies and the relationship of these words to current times.
We sacrifice children all the time now. Just in different ways. Here are ways I believe we are sacrificing our children in ways far worse than to the Lord.
We sacrifice them for our careers by sending them to daycares, being home for a few hours in the evening and right to bed and maybe on the weekends we spend time together. If the children are a part of a divorced family they have already been sacrificed in a way. If the parent re-marries and has additional does the child from the previous marriage get treated?
We sacrifice our children for our own personal happiness all the time. We sacrifice our children to drugs, money, boyfriends or girlfriends, TV, and even leave them to be raised by their grandparents. We sacrifice time with our children to keep up with the "Jones'"
We allow society to raise our children instead of the parents. Our society believes they should determine how parents raise their children. Our society believes that everyone is equal and everyone will always be equal. The bible from the very beginning shows that things/life is not always fair! It is shown by favoritism in birth order, gender and lineage. Now, parents are so insistent that everything be given to their children and they have "no wants" that they have no desire to work for what they want in the future. Everything should be handed to them by society - They are entitled to it. No respect for family or God who according to the bible is the only one who is really able to provide for you.

I just had been thinking over the past few days that I am so critical of those in the bible but look at how horrible our own society is. Look at all that we are sacrificing for...these days you can't talk about God so look at how much we have sacrificed ourselves and our children.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm really struck by what a deep thought that is. It seems that as you read the Bible, it makes you think and reflect on our society, and maybe question some of the things we take for granted.
    Profound stuff.
