Monday, January 3, 2011

The Flood

Today’s reading was Genesis 7-10:5; 1 Chronicles 1:5-7; Genesis 10:6-20; 1 Chronicles 1:8-16; Genesis 10:21-30; 1 Chronicles 1:17-23; Genesis 10:31-32 which addressed the flood of the earth.
I think most people know this story...they must if I'm familiar with it! This reading was about Noah's ark and God telling him to take the animals, Noah's wife, his sons and their wives onto the ark. It was interesting that he asked him to take seven pairs of every clean animal and one pair of every unclean animal. What's clean and unclean? Apparently if termites are considered unclean they are quite hardy those first two little ones made it through to "to be fruitful and increase in number"

Another interesting part was Genesis 9:6 “Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind." Everyone's interpretation of this could be different. It makes you wonder how this is interpreted by those that believe or do not believe in capital punishment. So are those that carry out the death sentence to others considered to have shed human blood? Or does this just say that those that shed human blood will not live a full and complete life?

My favorite part of today’s reading was about rainbows! Why doesn't anyone ever talk about the rainbows? That's the best part in my opinion. Genesis 9:13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
I think this will change how I look at rainbows.

Overall today’s reading was good and enjoyable. Despite those that have encouraged me not to read the Old Testament It's not too bad so far. I realize there will be parts that will be less than enjoyable but isn't that true of all epic tales?


  1. I like reading from the OneYearBibleOnline site. I just click on January and click the lesson for the day. I comes up and I go up and click on the Bible I want the reading from and there it is. Very easy. I like reading from the Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition. I love the wording in this Bible. I do go to other Bibles to get their translation.

  2. I too have also wondered about the shedding of blood. I really don't beleive in the death penalty as that is Gods judgement to take a life. But what about war. I know there have been many Holy wars but I'm not sure how God views the loss of life in war. Maybe it will come up and we can study it.
    I too have always looked at rainbows as Gods' reminder to us that he watches over us. When I see a rainbow I say Hello God!
    I know it may seem strange but I have conversations with Our Lord all the time.I just talk to him like he was standing next to me. Just hope I don't do it out loud in front of someone.
