Wednesday, January 19, 2011

starting Job

OK...well this is confusing. According to the website I start Job today. The Daily Bible, The One Year Chronological Bible and the Chronological Study Bible start with Exodus after Genesis.
I am thankful I have my Chronological Study Bible. I looked up Job in the back and found it on page 901....much later in the chronological order according to this book...but there was an explanation. It tells that the Book of Job is powerful and has a unique place in world literature as well as scripture. The Book of Job starts with a once upon a time style and has no reference to time. It is believed that the land of Uz where Job is from is in Edom rather than Israel. It is also likely that he is from Edom due to the references to Edom's descendents with wisdom. The Book of Job rejects the view that the world is orderly and just. It proves that bad things happen to good people. This Book speaks to so many people in its rawness and the suffering endured and the faith that remained. I believe that even after I have completed my chronological readings I will likely refer back to this part of the scriptures. I will be getting my bible highlighters out and I'm sure there will be underlined phrases everywhere. In my profession as an ER nurse and Paramedic sometimes you feel like bad things only happen to good people. I know personally I have struggled with this and said out loud many times..."Of course it's something bad...they are great people." My own frustrations with this have tested my faith...well I have blatantly thought...if there was really a God why he would do this to these people. Why does he punish those that are good and not those that are bad? I often wonder how Job had the faith he did. I have not had near the trials that Job has and I question.
Maybe my journey through the bible will either help me to understand or it will allow me to be ok with not understanding.

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